(function($){ var __translations = gbst.namespace("gbst.loan.app.savingsplancalculator.translations"); __translations.en = { "colors": { "primaryColor": "#EE3224", "secondaryColor": "#333333", "titleColor": "#FFFFFF", "subtitleColor": "#FFFFFF", "subtitleBgColor": "#EE3224", "textColor": "" }, "number": { "currency": { "format": { "unit": "$", "format": "%u%n", "htmlFormat": "%u%n" } }, "format": { "delimiter": ",", "separator": "." } }, "labels": { "loanCalculator": { "calculatorTitle": "Savings Plan", "disclaimer": "" }, "loanCommonDetailsView": { "controlsTitle": "Your saving details", "initialDepositLabel": "Initial deposit", "ongoingDepositLabel": "Ongoing deposit", "savingsTermLabel": "Savings term", "termFormat": { "one": "{{count}} year", "other": "{{count}} years" }, "interestRateLabel": "Interest rate", "frequencyLabel": "Deposit frequency" }, "resultsView": { "total": "Total at end of term", "totalInvested": "Total amount invested", "totalInterest": "Total interest earned", "effectiveYield": "Effective yield", "resultsHeader": "Your results" }, "chartView": { "balance": "Balance", "xAxis": "Years elapsed", "yAxis": "Balance ({{unit}})" }, "chartTooltip": { "year": "Year {{year}}", "balance": "Balance", "interest": "Interest" }, "infoBox": { "title": "Calculator Information", "content": "

The savings plan calculator provides the total balance of a regular savings plan having been provided with the opening balance, regular deposit, length of saving and interest rate.

The Present Value provided by this calculator is displayed as the amount labelled 'Total at end of term'.

Calculator Assumptions

Length of Month

Months are of equal length. However given some months are longer than others interest accrued will vary depending upon the month.

Number of Weeks/Fortnights in a Year

One year is assumed to contain exactly 52 weeks or 26 fortnights. Thus each year has 364 days.

Compounding Frequencies

The calculator assumes both deposits and any interest crediting is performed at the same time/frequency. The frequency can be changed by the user.


The calculator uses the unrounded payment to derive the amount of interest accrued over the full term of the deposit, however, institutions round repayments to the nearest cent. Unrounded payments provide for constant line within the graph.

" } }, "defaults": { "values": { "initialDeposit": 1000, "ongoingDeposit": 500, "interestRate": 2.5, "savingsTerm": 1.5, "frequency": "month", "hasPoweredBy": true, "hasSaveFeature": true }, "controls": { "initialDeposit": { "min": 1, "max": 1000000, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "ongoingDeposit": { "min": 1, "max": 50000, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "interestRate": { "min": 1, "max": 15, "step": 0.01, "keyboard": false }, "savingsTerm": { "min": 1, "max": 40, "step": 0.5, "keyboard": false }, "frequency": [ { "label": "Annually", "value": "annual" }, { "label": "Semi-annually", "value": "semiAnnual" }, { "label": "Quarterly", "value": "quarter" }, { "label": "Monthly", "value": "month" }, { "label": "Fortnightly", "value": "fortnight" }, { "label": "Weekly", "value": "week" } ] } } }; }(jQuery));