(function($){ var __translations = gbst.namespace("gbst.loan.app.incomeTaxCalculator.translations"); __translations.en = { "colors": { "primaryColor": "#00A6B8", "secondaryColor": "#535860", "titleColor": "#00A6B8", "subtitleColor": "#00A6B8", "subtitleBgColor": "#D7D8D6", "textColor": "#221F1F" }, "number": { "currency": { "format": { "unit": "$", "format": "%u%n", "htmlFormat": "%u%n" } }, "format": { "delimiter": ",", "separator": "." } }, "labels": { "incomeTaxCalculator": { "calculatorTitle": "Income Tax", "disclaimer": "" }, "yourDetailsView": { "controlsTitle": "Your details", "annualIncome": "Your annual income" }, "taxThresholdsView": { "taxTitle": "Current Tax Thresholds", "taxTable": { "taxTableHeaders": { "incomeRange": "Income range", "taxRate": "Tax Rate" } } }, "resultsView": { "taxOnIncome": "Tax on income", "netIncomePerAnnum": "Net income per annum", "netIncomePerWeek": "Net income per week", "resultsHeader": "Your results" }, "infoBox": { "title": "Calculator Information", "content": "

The income tax calculator calculates the tax paid on gross wages. The rates are obtained from the Australian Tax Office. No allowance is made for Medicare or other levies and/or payments.

Calculator Assumptions

Number of Weeks in a Year

One year is assumed to contain exactly 52 weeks. Thus according to this calculator each year has 364 days." } }, "defaults": { "values": { "annualIncome": 85000, "hasSaveFeature": true }, "controls": { "annualIncome": { "min": 0, "max": 10000000, "step": 1000, "keyboard": false } } } }; }(jQuery));