(function($){ var __translations = gbst.namespace("gbst.loan.app.borrowingpowercalculator.translations"); __translations.en = { "colors": { "primaryColor": "#30A9DC", "secondaryColor": "#A3C541", "titleColor": "#FFFFFF", "subtitleColor": "#FFFFFF", "subtitleBgColor": "#666666", "textColor": "#4B4B4B" }, "number": { "currency": { "format": { "unit": "$", "format": "%u%n", "htmlFormat": "%u%n" } }, "format": { "delimiter": ",", "separator": "." } }, "labels": { "borrowingPowerCalculator": { "calculatorTitle": "Borrowing Power", "disclaimer": "Note: The results from this calculator should be used as an indication only. Results do not represent either quotes or pre-qualifications for a loan. The specific details of your loan will be provided to you in your loan contract. It is advised that you consult your financial adviser before taking out a loan." }, "yourIncomeControlsView": { "controlsTitle": "Your income details", "hasJointIncomeLabel": "I have a partner", "primarySalaryLabel": "Salary", "secondarySalaryLabel": "Second Salary", "otherIncomeLabel": "Other Income", "primarySalaryTaxLabel": "", "primarySalaryFrequencyLabel": "", "secondarySalaryTaxLabel": "", "secondarySalaryFrequencyLabel": "", "otherIncomeTaxLabel": "", "otherIncomeFrequencyLabel": "" }, "yourExpensesControlsView": { "controlsTitle": "Your expense details", "dependantsLabel": "Dependants", "annualExpensesLabel": "Annual expenses", "useDefaultLabel": "Use average Australian annual expenses", "carLoanRepaymentLabel": "Car loan repayment", "carLoanRepaymentFrequencyLabel": "", "creditCardRepaymentLabel": "Credit card repayment", "creditCardRepaymentFrequencyLabel": "", "otherPaymentsLabel": "Other payments", "otherPaymentsFrequencyLabel": "", "showDefaultExpenseCheckbox": true }, "loanDetailsControlsView": { "controlsTitle": "Loan details", "interestRateLabel": "Interest rate", "termLabel": "Loan term", "termFormat": { "one": "{{count}} year", "other": "{{count}} years" } }, "resultsView": { "borrowingAmountLabel": "You can borrow up to", "regularRepaymentLabel": "{{frequencyLabel}} repayments", "resultsHeader": "Your results", "showDisplayType": true, "displayType": { "graph": "Graph", "table": "Table", "borderColor": "#FFFFFF" }, "amortizationTable": { "paymentNumberHeader": "Payment #", "principalHeader": "Principal", "interestHeader": "Interest", "balanceHeader": "Balance" } }, "chartView": { "totalRemainingTitle": "Total", "principalRemainingTitle": "Principal", "interestRemainingTitle": "Interest", "xAxisTitle": "Years elapsed", "yAxisTitle": "Loan balance ({{unit}})" }, "chartTooltip": { "title": "Year {{year}}" }, "infoBox": { "title": "Calculator Information", "content": "

The Borrowing Power Calculator calculates a possible maximum loan amount available based on both income and expenses entered. The values provided can only be taken as an estimate of the amount to be borrowed and does not take into account specific factors used by individual lenders in determining their own criteria.

The default assumptions detailed below are considered reasonable for working out a user's estimate on the basis that an estimate of basic expenses is applied, based on a national average of the Household Expenditure Measure (HEM). This estimate takes into account factors such as the application type (single or joint) and the number of dependents that the applicant(s) support. This amount is used as guidance only in helping you assess your potential borrowing capacity. Your actual expenses may differ from this approximation.

The Present Value provided by this calculator is displayed as the amount labelled 'You can borrow up to'. This estimate does not take into account any assumed change in the cost of living between the time of the preparation for the estimate provided or the future.

Calculator Assumptions

Expense Details and Default Values

Loan Details

Interest rate increase allowance buffer - Current version of the calculator uses an interest rate buffer of 1.75%. There is no ability to adjust this amount.


All months are assumed to be equal. In reality, many loans accrue on a daily basis this can lead to varying interest in different months.

Number of Weeks & Fortnights in a Year

One year is assumed to contain exactly 52 weeks or 26 fortnights. Thus the assumption is for a 364 day year.


The calculator uses the unrounded repayment to derive the amount of interest payable over the full term of the loan, however, institutions round repayments to the nearest cent. Unrounded payments provide for constant line within the graph. Note that the final repayment after the increase in repayment amount will be a partial repayment as required to reduce the loan balance to zero.

" }, "assumptions": { "singleBaseExpense": "Single Base Expense", "singleDependentAdditionalExpense": "Single Dependent Additional Expense", "jointBaseExpense": "Joint Base Expense", "jointDependentAdditionalExpense": "Joint Dependant Base Expense", "serviceableIncomeFactor": "Servicable Income Factor", "useIntRateBufferFlag": "Use interest rate buffer", "interestRateBuffer": "Interest Rate Buffer", "defaultBPIntRate": "Default BP Interest Rate" } }, "defaults": { "values": { "hasJointIncome": false, "primarySalary": 4000, "primarySalaryTax": "net", "primarySalaryFrequency": "month", "secondarySalary": 4000, "secondarySalaryTax": "net", "secondarySalaryFrequency": "month", "otherIncome": 0, "otherIncomeTax": "gross", "otherIncomeFrequency": "month", "dependants": 0, "annualExpenses": 10000, "useDefault": true, "carLoanRepayment": 350, "carLoanRepaymentFrequency": "month", "creditCardRepayment": 0, "creditCardRepaymentFrequency": "month", "otherPayments": 0, "otherPaymentsFrequency": "fortnight", "interestRate": 7.25, "term": 30, "principal": 100000, "frequency": "month", "repaymentType": "PI", "displayType": "GRAPH", "hasSaveFeature": true }, "controls": { "primarySalary": { "min": 0, "max": 200000, "step": 100, "keyboard": false }, "secondarySalary": { "min": 0, "max": 200000, "step": 100, "keyboard": false }, "otherIncome": { "min": 0, "max": 200000, "step": 100, "keyboard": false }, "annualExpenses": { "min": 0, "max": 100000, "step": 10, "keyboard": false }, "carLoanRepayment": { "min": 0, "max": 50000, "step": 50, "keyboard": false }, "creditCardRepayment": { "min": 0, "max": 50000, "step": 100, "keyboard": false }, "otherPayments": { "min": 0, "max": 50000, "step": 100, "keyboard": false }, "interestRate": { "min": 0.1, "max": 25, "step": 0.01, "keyboard": false }, "term": { "min": 1, "max": 30, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "serviceability": { "singleBaseExpense": 16925, "singleDependentAdditionalExpense": 5865, "jointBaseExpense": 24600, "jointDependentAdditionalExpense": 5865, "serviceableIncomeFactor": 80, "useIntRateBufferFlag": true, "interestRateBuffer": 2, "defaultBPIntRate": 7.25 }, "creditCardExpense": { "useCreditCardLimitExpense": true, "creditCardLimitExpense": 0.05, "creditCardLimitExpenseLabel": "Monthly Credit Card Repayments" }, "frequency": [ { "label": "Annually", "value": "annual" }, { "label": "Monthly", "value": "month" }, { "label": "Fortnightly", "value": "fortnight" }, { "label": "Weekly", "value": "week" } ], "tax": [ { "label": "Gross", "value": "gross" }, { "label": "Net", "value": "net" } ], "dependants": [ { "label": "0", "value": "0" }, { "label": "1", "value": "1" }, { "label": "2", "value": "2" }, { "label": "3", "value": "3" }, { "label": "4", "value": "4" }, { "label": "5+", "value": "5" } ], "assumptions": { "singleBaseExpense": { "min": 0, "max": 50000, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "singleDependentAdditionalExpense": { "min": 0, "max": 50000, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "jointBaseExpense": { "min": 0, "max": 50000, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "jointDependentAdditionalExpense": { "min": 0, "max": 50000, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "serviceableIncomeFactor": { "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1, "keyboard": false }, "interestRateBuffer": { "min": 0, "max": 10, "step": 0.01, "keyboard": false }, "defaultBPIntRate": { "min": 0.01, "max": 25, "step": 0.01, "keyboard": false } } } } }; }(jQuery));